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Q:  Learn all terminology from:

  • Blue III list
  • Red I list
  • Red II list
  • Any pattern you have learnt to date
  • Specific terms


A:  Terminology – Blue III Terminology

Press the play button to hear the pronunciation of each word (make sure your speakers are turned on!).

The Korean terms below are spelt phonetically, ie say it as it sounds.

Please refer to the bottom of the page for additional resources and downloadable materials.

[table id=14 /]




A:  Terminology – Red I Terminology

Press the play button to hear the pronunciation of each word (make sure your speakers are turned on!).

The Korean terms below are spelt phonetically, ie say it as it sounds.

Please refer to the bottom of the page for additional resources and downloadable materials.

[table id=15 /]




A:  Terminology – Red II Terminology

Press the play button to hear the pronunciation of each word (make sure your speakers are turned on!).

The Korean terms below are spelt phonetically, ie say it as it sounds.

Please refer to the bottom of the page for additional resources and downloadable materials.


[table id=16 /]



Q:  Learn all terminology from any pattern you have learnt to date

You will need to go back through each of the patterns you have learnt and check that you know the Korean term for each technique and stance performed.  Most of course you will already know, but there are some special techniques eg the 5th step in Taegeuk Four.



Q:  Terminology – Specific Terms

Korean English Korean English
S-on Hand Bo Covered
Bal Foot Nare-e-oh / Nool-e-oh Downward
Nal Blade Oh-gul Upward
Batang Palm Doll-yo Turning
Pee-on Flat Dwir-oh Backward
Jew-mook Fist Dwit Back
D-oong Back knuckle Bitter-oh Twisting
Me Hammer / bottom Mir-e-oh Push
Cal-jabi Tiger mouth/Arc hand Nak-ah Hooking
K-ut Finger tips Hur-e-oh Thrashing
Swe–oh Erect hand Twi-oh Jumping / Flying
Oop-eo Palm down Mom-doll-e-oh Spinning
Je-ech-eo Palm up Doo-bal dang sung Two alternate feet
Pal-mok Wrist Mom-doo-bal Feet together
Up-chook Ball of foot Cow-e Scissors
Tock Chin Code-up Continuous / repeated
Mock Neck Han Single
More-up Knee Dube-e-on Double
Palgop Elbow Ot-core-oh Crossing
Jab-e-poom Swallow technique San-t-ule Wide open
Dang-yo tock chig-e Pulling in chin strike Way-san-t-ule Part wide open
Pie-jock Target Hech-e-o Wedge
Key-ock-pa Break Nar-ah-knee se-ogi Parallel stance
Bar-o Regular / Natural Mow-a so-ogi Closed stance
Band-i Irregular Dee Belt




Additional Resources