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How does martial arts enhance one’s leadership skills?

How does martial arts enhance one’s leadership skills?

Martial arts classes can teach you how to concentrate better at school or at work and can help you keep your stress levels low. But does practicing martial arts regularly actually help you hone your leadership skills? At BTC, our martial arts

Eating right for your martial arts training classes

Proper nutrition enables your body to function more effectively, helps to ward off diseases and ailments as well as keeps your energy levels high throughout the day. So if you really want to get the best out of your martial arts classes,

When does working out go overboard?

Gone are the days when pumping iron or running on the treadmill at the gym was considered the best way to keep fit. Today, experts agree that any activity which employs the body as a whole, gets your heart pumping faster and leaves you feeling

Top cancer fighting foods

Did you know that the food you eat can actually help your body ward off diseases? Think of it this way- just as your martial arts classes arm you with the necessary skills to defend yourself, the right food can help strengthen your body’s

Top stress triggers

We’ve all read about how bad stress is for the human mind and body, yet many of us feel helpless when it comes to tackling stress in our own lives. Would you believe it if I told you that stress is the number one killer today? Research has

Sports supplements and the body

It’s hard not to admire the 6 pack of a model while flipping through a magazine and it’s even harder to ignore a sports supplement brand advertisement. After all, everybody wants a great looking body with minimum effort and if a certain